Design 100% Recyclable

Photo from: ©

Photo from: ©

Shigeru Ban was one of the first to use recycled paper and cardboard to create not only impressive architecture but also screens and seats. They were useful like the emergency paper-houses, which he made for the Japanese earthquake. “Kubedesign” is an italian brand that continues on the same path by setting up temporary low cost furnitures, which are at the same time comfortable, beautiful, light, having a very low environmental impact.

Shigeru Ban è stato tra i primi ad utilizzare carta riciclata e cartone per realizzare non solo ardite architetture, ma anche paraventi e sedute. Provvidenziali come le paper-house d’emergenza, da lui realizzate per i terremoti giapponesi. “Kubedesign“è un marchio tutto italiano che prosegue sulla stessa scia, allestendo arredi temporanei low cost, comodi, belli, leggeri e soprattutto a bassissimo impatto ambientale.

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